this blog isn't for you. it's for me.

February 16, 2010

Day 30: Plyometrics

I thought I'd dread plyo days when I began this program. But I don't. In fact, I look forward to it now.

Tonight was good. It's so much different than anything else they have you do, including core synergistics. Cardio X is one of only two DVDs I haven't tried yet, but I don't think it could match plyo.

I tried to work hard through moves I had trouble with before. Went pretty well, outside of almost collapsing from 360 degree torso twists.

As for my pain level from yesterday, it's pretty high. My whole front upper body hurts. Chest, triceps, shoulders. They're all connected and during the middle of the night they banded together and decided, 'we're going to provide a lot of pain tomorrow.'

What's good, however, is that the pain in those areas didn't hinder any moves during plyo. The only thing that might have been affected was my arm swing during my Rock Star Jumps. But that's all.

Now, seeing that today's Day 30, I must provide photos. Let me start by saying this:

You can't target fat loss. If I could have lost more around my love handles than I could have around my ribs, I would have. But that's not my decision. More oblique exercises would only have strengthened muscle but not burned away that fat. That's a shame.

Want to feel terrible about yourself? Go take a picture of yourself, and trace (either in Photoshop or by hand) your love handles. That'll motivate you to get your ass in shape.

I blurred out my face because while most of you who follow this know who I am, I really don't need my face (or back of my head) associated with this blog.

Okay, enough procrastinating, here it goes:

Am I happy so far? Well if I wasn't doing p90x I'd be in the shape on the left, today. So yes, I've made progress. I really hope Day 60 is a much more drastic of a change than this.

And no, my room is not purgatory. I cut myself out of the backgrounds to clear the clutter of my room.

Tomorrow Back and Bis. Gotta get those arms ripped.

1 comment:

  1. I think the results after 30 days look fantastic. In the top (front) pictures, compare your arms. Day 30 you can see veins + definition that you didnt have on Day 1. And the lower photo your lower-back flab (sorry, I don't mean for that to be insulting) is nearly 100% gone! I've just started my journey, you're doing great!
