this blog isn't for you. it's for me.

May 30, 2010

(Round 2) Day 41: Cardio, Bike

As I said, Sundays are generally off-days. However, I'm away on vacation so things are going to run a little differently.

Woke up at 8am for a bike ride with my dad. We just head north on our bikes until we realize that however far we ride up, we're going to have to repeat on the ride home.

In total, today was a 15 mile ride. Took about 75 minutes, so not a terribly intense pace. But 15 miles is 15 miles, so I'll take it.

Played over an hour's worth of tennis in the afternoon, so a fairly productive day considering I'm away.

However, per the diet.

Breakfast: Piece of raisin bread toast, cottage cheese and a peach.

Lunch: Sandwich, with smoked turkey, honey ham, muenster cheese, lettuce and mustard. And a couple sourdough pretzels.

Dinner (where it all went downhill): A few families and mine ordered in some barbeque food. Had about 9 ribs, large section of chicken, baked beans, string beans, macaroni salad, cole slaw and corn bread. And to top it all off, some pie.

Why did I just tell you this? Because I didn't. I don't know who's reading this, if anyone still, so this is to make me aware of how awful that was. Typing that out sucked. But hey, it's vacation. And at least there was a lot of protein built into today.

Tomorrow is the start of week 3 of phase II. Definitely doing some abs and hopefully the rest of tomorrow's Monday workout.

And perhaps better eating habits? Perhaps.

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