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April 24, 2010

(Round 2) Day 6: Stretch X, Rest

That's right, today was supposed to be Kenpo. What of it?

Took my off day today. No running. No Kenpo. Just a day of eating right, having a baseball catch, and

Kenpo tomorrow. So far, enjoying round 2.

1 comment:

  1. As for additional running tips:
    1. Don't train exclusively on a tredmill (outside vs inside running are vastly different).
    2. Avoid 100% pavement/sidewalks. Yes they provide the most even surfaces and one of the best ways to track distance, but you'll likely face shin-splints from the hard impact (may I suggest a local high school track once a week or the occasional tredmill).
    3. Before your race, know where the bathrooms are. Pee when you arrive and you'll likely have to pee before you run due to jitters/excitement (yes there will likely be a massive lineup the 2nd time - that's why the first pee is so important).
    4. Find a hot-chick to run behind. Even if she runs faster/slower than your normal pace... you'll easily be distracted and you'll find the view is much more enjoyable than being behind a sweaty dude. (no creepiness intended)
