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June 14, 2010

(Round 2) Day 56: Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X

Phase III begins.

Remember those 100 pushups from last week? Well a couple days after I did them, I got sore. Really sore. And haven't fully recovered. So a lot of the pushups today hurt.

Forgot how crappy this routine is when you're away from it for a while. Lots of action, pushups, pullups, pushups, pullups.

Finished with abs. Gotta love mason twists.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't quite finished my first round of P90X. I have about 2 weeks to go (since I was in Spain and not following the program during that time). But as soon as I am done, I am going to do your patented 100/100 chin/push challenge. Seems like it's pretty fantastic. Not sure what my approach will be, but I'm gonna try it!

    As for what's next? I duhno, perhaps round 2?
