this blog isn't for you. it's for me.

January 8, 2010

About Me, and About This Blog

So what exactly am I doing?

Ever lay in bed at 4am and see this guy talking about how your body plateaus when you work out? How you need to continuously shock your body? He's pitching for p90x. It's a workout program that supposedly kicks your ass for at least an hour, every day, for 90 days straight. After that, with eating properly, you should be ripped. Well this is my go at it.

My exercise history: I've never been in great shape. 6-7 months is probably the longest I've ever been on a constant gym regimen. 8 minute abs for 3 months in a row gave me an upper-abdominal two pack. I admit it, I've never been disciplined enough to get into good shape. I don't see results, I get a bit lazy, and it goes by the wayside.

Well it's time to get into a routine. I did a ton of research to see if p90x really works. It was tough finding a blogger that wasn't being paid by p90x to promote its products. Eventually I found a handful, and this seems to be pretty legit.

So here it goes. My package arrived yesterday. I still have some equipment to purchase before I begin, but 1/18/10 seems to be my start date.

My goal: Lose some body fat, put on some muscle, and just overall feel/look better come mid-April. Day 1 and Day 30 pictures will be posted on Day 30, and every 30 days after that.

Why blog? It's just to keep me going. So that if I were to miss a day, and come back to post, I can feel that much worse about missing it. 90 days is long enough, I don't need to miss a routine and push back my end date. I encourage feedback, but again, this isn't for you. It's for me.

I always thought that I'd end up with a living room full of infomercial products. I hope my first choice (outside of the perfect pancake, which sucks by the way) is a good one.

1 comment:

  1. P90X is GREAT!

    Check out my blog at

    We also do a daily motivational email if you're interested hit me up.
