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January 31, 2010

Day 14: Stretch X, Rest

Well, no stretch for me today. Didn't think the DVD was of any use last week, so I took today off.

I'll touch on two things: my continued diet and results.

I've still been eating really well. I feel as if I need to cut down the size of the meals, but find a way to get more calories out of them. I seem to be a bit too full, especially after my lunches. At the same time, I've done some calorie counting and I seem to be coming up short of the 1800-2200 I should be consuming during this first phase of the workout.

Still eating the same as last week. Added a can of sardines and some hard boiled eggs to my list of unique foods. Tried out turkey chili which was awesome and easy. Still focusing on as much protein as I can while limiting fats and carbs. Going to stay that way til I start showing muscle through what I consider fat.

In regard to results, I'm most excited for Day 30 when I'll compare a photo that night with one from Day 1. I have been taking progressive pictures every other night or so for me to look back on.

I certainly feel better. Arms feel stronger, chest feels better when I do pushups, and abs are starting to come through a bit. I fear getting abs while still having love handles. That'd be awful. Need to step it up during Plyo and Kenpo this week in order to keep pushing to work those off.

Last week of what I've been doing. This is supposed to be the week that I'm a Master at what I've been doing. We'll see about that.

1 comment:

  1. Felt the same---I took a stretch class once so I incorporate this on the "off" day (which is usually my long run day!)
