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January 24, 2010

Day 7: Stretch X, Rest

And on the 7th day, Tony rested.

Well, actually he stretched. The program tells you to either do their DVD, take a day off, or do some cardio. It's a recovery day.

I tried out the DVD. It's an hour long 'workout' that is all about stretching. It started off fine: Arms, legs, back, chest, etc. Actually, it started off similar to how many of the other DVDs starts off. Only difference was this never changed. I got pretty fed up with it, fast forwarded through some of it, and stopped 15 minutes short of the finish.

Today I rest. After a strong week of working out, I think it's well-deserved.

Outside of the working out this week, my diet has been stellar. To speed up a metabolism, one is supposed to eat small meals 5-6 times a day, rather than 3 big ones. It keeps the body busy, blood sugar up at a good level and never overly full.

I've found this to be pretty good. I love eating, so doing it 6 times a day is perfect. 'Meals' don't have to be big fancy shows. For me it's been a banana. Or Greek yogurt. Egg whites with veggies. Marinated fish or chicken. I've been keeping my fats and carbs low, while focusing on getting as much protein as I can.

The worst things I've probably eaten in 7 days have been a single cookie, 94% fat free popcorn, or a couple sticks of Pocky.

The hardest thing about this eating schedule is that you're not supposed to eat within three hours of going to sleep. So finishing my nights with a Kashi bar before 9pm, and living 5 steps from my kitchen, has been a bit tough. So far I'm not falling for any temptations, but I see that being the hardest part moving forward.

In regard to drinking? Light beer has 96 calories and 4g of carbs. Gin has 70 calories and 0g of carbs. I think I should be fine.

1 comment:

  1. I gave in to the beer since it was birthday weekend....only a 24 stella tho. Now its back to water, water, and more water.

    Nothing tastes better than freezing cold water. "That is some high quality H20" - Bobby Boucher
