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January 19, 2010

Day 2: Plyometrics

Phew. I've never wanted to go to work so badly.

My goal is to do this in the morning before heading off to work. This is definitely the workout to do before the day starts. There's no way I'd want this looming as something I need to do once I come home.

Plyometrics is p90x's badass cardio workout. It's 23 different moves, and here's how they group them. You do four routines, three for 30 seconds and the final for 60 seconds. Then you repeat those four, then a 30 second water break. Then the next 4, and so on. The final three are their Sports Bonus ones, which I'll get to in a minute.

Remember yesterday when I asked where the normal guy was in the video? The guy who'd have difficulty with this? Well, I certainly got what I asked for. The cast included Tony, one girl and two guys ... one with a prosthetic leg. COME ON.

Some moves were harder than other. It's a lot of squatting, a lot of turning, and a whole lot of jumping. The girl who lives underneath me might not have enjoyed this 7am routine.

Some of the more enjoyable moves (Notice how I didn't say 'fun'):

Run-Stance Squat Pick-up: Start in a running position, jump, turn 180 degrees, land in a squat with your hand on the floor. Aaand repeat.

Jump Knee Tuck: Simple right? Jump up with your knees coming as close to your body as possible. Just not simple midway through your workout. Aaand repeat.

Rockstar Hop: Similar to Jump Knee Tuck, but swing your arms like you're playing the air guitar (see: Peter Townshend). Aaand repeat.

Twist Combo: Arms out like they're holding ski poles. Lightly jump and turn your torso and feet 90 degrees, so they point left, center, right, center... Aaand repeat.

They ended with a Sports Bonus:

Pitch & Catch: Wind up like a pitcher, make a throwing motion, then squat to catch it. 30 seconds on both arms. My rights must have been really impressive.

Jump Shot: Catch and shoot. Ballin'

Football Hero: Four 'juke' steps forward, then 8 high knees backwards.

Sports bonus was definitely the best. Kept me pushing through towards the end.

Overall, I can see why I'm going to hate this one as it approaches. After yesterday, I was happy to be off the pullup/pushup routine. Now I can't wait to hit the floor.

Oh, and Tony took 2 sips of water the entire 59 minutes. He's either a camel or a machine. Wouldn't be surprised by either.


  1. Brett I think you will be more motivated if you gave yourself a cool name like "viper" has. How about "T-hawk" "Ryu" or "REVIS"...

    on a more serious note I found the Jump Knee Tock and the Rockstar hop to be probably the hardest things. I wonder how they would be if they were done closer to the beginning

  2. Just finished day 2. I'd have to say, aside from all the "easier" moves in the first part of the workout, Football Hero and the twist combo were my favorite moves. I found hot foot and jump knee tucks to be the hardest
