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February 1, 2010

Day 15: Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X


Let's work backwards. Today ended with abs. If there's one thing I really want to get out of these 90 days, it's to lose my belly fat and to show some abs. 2-pack, 4-pack, 6-pack. I don't care if it doesn't end up being perfect, but I'm going to push through these 16 minutes, 3 times a week, to get as close as possible.

Pushed through some moves today I've had trouble with, including the scissor exercise I've touched on before, and mason twists.

Mason twists, or as I know them 'Russian twists' (cause they're as insane as Russian Roulette), are as follows: Sit on your butt. Feet off the ground. Hands clasped together, and twist left then right, touching the floor each time. That's 1. Tony does it 40+ times, all in a row. The first two weeks I would do 20, then pause, then 20, then collapse. Today I pushed through all 40, then collapsed. Tony does 50. His bonus ones are obviously put in to make you feel like crap.

As I said yesterday, this is the third time we repeat the same 7 days of workouts. This is the week we master what we've done. I wouldn't say I've mastered it by any stretch, but compared to week 1, Day 1, this was great:

Standard Pushups: 20 / 12
Wide Grip Pullups: 8 / 8 (165)
Military Pushups: 14 / 10
Reverse Chinups: 12 / 10 (162)

Wide Fly Pushups : 12 / 10
Close Grip Overhand Pullups: 8 / 8 ( 173)
Decline Pushups: 10 / 10
Heavy Pants: 15 / 14 (145)

Diamond Pushups: 10 / 8 (160)
Lawn Mower: 14 / 14
Dive Bomber Pushups: 8 / 8 (175)
Back Fly: 12 / 14

(Numbers in parentheses indicates my heart rate after one of the two sets)

Yes, my heart rate monitor finally arrived. I think it'll be great for cardio heavy days, such as tomorrow's Plyometrics. However I tried it out tonight to see how I do with pushups and pullups. Really high intensity workouts should be around 200-220 beats per minutes (BPM).

One-sixth of the way through this program.

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