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March 29, 2010

Day 70: Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X

Worked off the book today. And with resistance bands.

I have no reps to report today because I did the pullup moves on bands. It took a lot more reps to feel the burn, generally 20+, but in the end it's certainly working.

There are no substitutes, however, for pushups. I feel like I did a lot today, and I really felt it.

Standard pushups, military pushups, wide fly pushups, diamond pushups, decline pushups and dive-bomber pushups. Six different moves, each done twice until failure. My strongest were probably standard pushups, putting up 25 the first time through. My weakest were probably diamond, where I did up to 8 each time.

Diamond Pushups: Hands under your heart. Hands together so the thumbs and pointer fingers are touching, respectively. Elbows flare out to the side.

Dive bombers aren't as terrible as they were the first few times I did this workout. I've also gotten better with decline.

Finished up with abs. Also off the book, no Tony. Well, really no book. I've done it so many times now that I've completely memorized the order. I even find myself thinking of everything Tony says at certain points of certain moves. Scissors ... get it?

No running today due to the miserable weather. Perhaps tomorrow I'll hop on a treadmill.


  1. Thanks for the comment! Goodluck with the running!!!

  2. "21... hit my hand! 22 HIT MY HAND!"

    Oh I know the feeling...
