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February 17, 2010

Day 31: Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X

All of Monday's moves pushed away from the body. That's how one strengthens the chest and triceps, as well as the shoulders. Today, towards the body for the back and biceps.

This is how I used to group muscles at the gym, so it's a bit more familiar of a pain. That doesn't mean it was easy.

Today's workout went: back, back, bicep, bicep. One move on the pullup bar, the next using resistance bands/dumbbells, then two bicep moves with bands/dumbbells.

Pullups were terrible, and it's a combination of the toughest moves and being week and a half removed from any pullups:

9 Wide grip pullups
8 Switch grip pullups
10 Corn cob pullups (assisted)
12 Towel pullups
12 Chinups
12 Chinups (max pullups)

Corn cob pullups: Wide grip pullups, then while above the bar, move your upper body to the right, then to the left, then center, then pushup your body away from the bar, then down. 1. Then repeat. I did two until I needed help from the chair. That's awful.

Towel pullups: Take a hand towel and wrap it over the bar. Grab the towel in one hand while the other holds onto the bar. Pull yourself up three times, come down, then switch the towel to the other hand. Repeat.

Max pullups: Choose any pullup move and perform until failure. Two guys in the video chose wide grips while the gal chose corn cob. I tried straight chinups, which are narrow grip with your palms towards you. Even the 'easiest' ones for me were a struggle to pull off 12.

As for the biceps I really enjoyed today. It was the first day that really targeted just the biceps. The arms part of Shoulders and Arms works on the triceps and biceps. However today was a ton of different standard curls, hammer curls, supination curls, etc.

Finished up with abs. Got through all 50 mason twists. Then my body crumbled into a mold of jello.

Tomorrow I'm going to try out Cardio X in lieu of Yoga.

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