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February 25, 2010

Day 39: Yoga

Alright I gave it another go. I figured the core workouts would be worth it.

Some of the warrior poses are repetitive to the point of anger. If I was more flexible, which I'm happily working on, it'd be a more enjoyable workout. But as I've said before, I'm not. So the fast forward button was used a bit more than usual today to get to the seated, more balance focused poses.

One thing I do enjoy about the first half of the workout, is that amidst the warriors and runners poses are a handful of pushups. After plank to chaturanga to upward dog, you come back to plank, perform a pushup, and go into downward dog. The pushup is optional, but considering it's the lone time we work a specific muscle group, I do it and enjoy it each time.

Then there are some moves in the abs series that are stunningly hard. Boat is a pain the ass. One legged boat is even worse.

Crane? Getting there, but certainly no extended balance.

Legs and back tomorrow. And more glorious ab ripper x.

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