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February 18, 2010

Day 32: Cardio X

Yes, my schedule says to do yoga.
Yes, I changed my schedule.

I tried out Cardio X today. I've now officially tried each of the 12 DVDs. I liked this one. It was constant movement and only 45 minutes long.

Cardio X is a mix of everything. The first five moves are part of yoga; the next five moves are part of kenpo; the next five moves are part of plyo; the final five moves are part of core. And there are no breaks in between.

Part 1, Yoga:

Moves from the first half of the yoga DVD. Each move starting with plank with pushups, downward dog, upward dog, and all turning into poses such as warrior one, reverse warrior and runner's pose. Heart rate was pumping between 130 and 140 for this. A 10 minutes taste of yoga seemed a lot better than 90 minutes of balancing like a tree.

Part 2, Kenpo:

A good mix of moves from the kenpo DVD. Three-way kicks, jab/hook/cross/uppercut, hook/uppercut/sidekick, among a couple others. Heart was between 140 and 155 for this. While it's more movement of the limbs, you do come to complete stops between each.

Part 3, Plyo:

They chose a few of the easier moves from the plyo DVD for this. Swing kicks worked my heart the hardest, up to 165 beat per minute. Airborne heisman and jump shots are mediocre in difficulty, and wacky jacks are just plain, dare I say it, wacky. I'd rather do jumping jacks or the X-jacks instead.

Part 4, Core:

My least favorite due to the intensity, but certainly beneficial. 50 steam engines. A steam engine is a standing crunch. Hands behind your head, lift a knee and bring the opposing elbow to it. Then the other elbow to the other knee. That's one. Fifty of those. They also decided to incorporate Dreya rolls and superman/bananas. Definitely a tough finish.

But definitely better than Yoga. Maybe I'll try parts of yoga on my off day this Sunday, but definitely going to come back to this one on a regular basis.

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